Civil War Medicine


As the war went on, statistics improved. Yet, at first, they were poor.

"Some 400,000 of the 600,000 Johnny Reb and Billy Yanks who died were                                                                                                                                       victims of germs rather than bullets." 
       - Civil War: America Becomes One Nation

"For every man killed in battle, two died behind the lines from some form of


       - Civil War: America Becomes One Nation

"Historians estimate that 15 % of Union prisoners in Southern prisons died,

 while12 % of Confederate prisoners died in Northern prisons." 

       - The AMERICANS

This graph above compares Union deaths to Confederate deaths. Union is Blue.   Confederate is Red.

Above are statistics from Pennsylvania, after the Civil War.

- At the start of the Civil War:

     - 90% of present-day medicine was not known
     - 1 union surgeon for every 133 men
     - 1 confederate physician for every 324 men

- These were all poor statistics, but as time went on everything improved, except
for conditions in war prisons.

- Less men died and more surgeons began to work.
Sanitation and training was also improved.
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